When you become a mother your life changes more than you think. Your daily routine turned upside down. You should get used to many new things – some of them exciting, some not that much.
Have you thought about how your car has changed since you become a mother? Yes, even something very common like a vehicle changes a lot after we become parents.
For example, mothers often need to make sure they have a safe and reliable car that can accommodate their family’s needs. This means having a car with enough seat belts, a spacious trunk, and other features that can make life easier for families. Let’s have a look at the 10 most common ways your car changes after you become a mother.
1.Your car become safer than ever before
Mothers put the safety of their kids first. This is task number one while they are on the road as well. One of the first priorities of a woman after she becomes a mother is to make her car safer. The first step is to choose a comfortable child seat that fits the age and weight of the child. Some mothers install curtain airbags for additional protection for back seat passengers.
The car magically becomes cleaner, clutter-free, and better organized. Things like make-up, bottles with strange liquids, and sharp subjects disappear.
2.Installation of additional features
When your baby is in the back seat most of your attention should be focused on the rear-view mirror. This can make you distracted from the road. It’s a great idea to install additional features like a reverse camera for a better view. There are also cameras that show you the road ahead, so you can see if there is a situation that requires extra attention.
3.Installation of foot-activated lift gates
This is a smart foot-bumper installation that helps you to open the door even your hands are busy. This is a great tool that any mother would value. Imagine every time your hands are busy with groceries you can easily open the trunk. This way you won’t be worried about keys. The system works with sensors that can recognize the date of your foot.
4.Trash can appear in your car
Yes, you will need it. Only when you have kids you will find out how fast they accumulate rubbish. If you spend a long time in a car with kids in the back seat prepare a trash can. Actually, this is a very smart way to avoid the mess in your car.
5.Mobile changing diaper station
Your cute car will become a mobile changing diaper station. It sounds so familiar to every newborn’s mother that spends a lot of time in the car with her baby. While you are on a road to the next daily task your baby also needs treatment. To avoid surprises always keep changing pads, a few diapers, wipes, and butt cream in the car.
6. Finally renew your first aid kit
Before you become a mother first aid kit was the last thing to consider in your car maintenance. Only after you give birth, you start to value how important is to have full equipment first aid kit. It’s more likely to need assorted sizes of band-aids when you have a kid in the back seat. There are a few more must-have things like instant Ice Packs, Neosporin or vasoline, tape or gauze, pain relievers, and thermometers.
7.Paper towels EVERYWHERE
You should accept the fact that there will be paper towels everywhere in your car in the next few years. Napkins are always used and usually, they disappear at the time they are needed the most. That’s why keep an extra package of paper towels in the car.
8.Car hangers and organizers
There is a big possibility your car to get a mess after you drive your kids to school. The best way to avoid this is to put hangers and organizers where kids can put their clothes, school backs, or toys. You are probably not ready to create a small kids’ room in your car but this will save you from the clutter.
9. You should always have snacks in the car
Do you remember the times when you didn’t allow anyone to eat in your car? This is already a distant dream. Your kids will ask you for food every 10 minutes. You should always keep some snacks in the car. Otherwise, you have to stop for food and drinks which is not a good idea if you are in hurry.
10. You will have to clean your car more often
This is one of the most annoying things. We know it’s hard but you should start processing the idea that your car will be always dirty, no matter how often you clean it. Small kids are not able to keep it clean and tidy and we can’t blame them.

My name is Rebecca McCarthy and I am an American girl with British heritage residing in the beautiful city of Nashville, Tennessee. I have always had a keen interest in cars, particularly brand new ones that showcase the latest technology and design features. I am also passionate about travelling and experiencing new cultures, as well as enjoying hot summer days with friends and family.