Airbags – pros, cons, and safety concerns in car accidents


In the realm of automotive safety, few contemporary inventions have been as revolutionary as the airbag. Deployed in milliseconds during a collision, airbags are designed to mitigate the impact of a car accident, reducing the risk of severe injuries.
However, as with any technological advancement, airbags come with their set of pros and cons. In …

Staying safe on the road – avoiding common causes of car accidents

Staying Safe on the Road

Car accidents can happen to anyone, but many are preventable with the right knowledge and precautions. In this article, we will explore and discuss the most common reasons for car accidents and provide valuable tips on how to avoid them.
We’ll also discuss the impact of weather conditions and share helpful advice for driving with …

Balancing excitement & practicality of buying a new car

Guys shaking hands because one of them is buying a new car

The prospect of buying a new car is a momentous occasion for many individuals. The sheer anticipation of driving a brand-new model, the joy associated with selecting features and options, and the overall sense of ownership contribute to the excitement that accompanies the car buying process.
Rebecca McCarthyMy name is Rebecca McCarthy and I am …

New electric car – Important tips for purchasing it

A new electric car in the woods

When considering the purchase of a new electric car, it’s important to note that the automotive industry has recently undergone a significant transformation due to the growing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs).” With concerns about environmental sustainability and the need to reduce our carbon footprint, many consumers are considering making the switch to electric cars.

Pros & cons of buying a used electric vehicle

Purple used electric vehicle charged by women

When it comes to electric vehicles (EV’s), the decision to buy a new or used one can be a particularly significant consideration. Electric cars, like their gasoline counterparts, depreciate in value over time, but there are some unique factors to consider when contemplating a used electric vehicle.
Rebecca McCarthyMy name is Rebecca McCarthy and I …

Comfortable journey – kid-friendly food & drink tips

A baby and his dad enjoy the comfortable journey

Embarking on an all-day-long adventure with your children requires meticulous planning, and a crucial aspect of that planning is the careful selection of foods and drinks for the best comfortable journey. Rebecca McCarthyMy name is Rebecca McCarthy and I am an American girl with British heritage residing in the beautiful city of Nashville, Tennessee.
I …

Road vs air trip – choose the best family travel

People smiles because family travel is comming

When planning a family travel with your kids, one of the first decisions you’ll need to make is how you’ll get to your destination. Should you embark on a long drive or opt for air travel with your kids?
Rebecca McCarthyMy name is Rebecca McCarthy and I am an American girl with British heritage residing …

Essential Items for comfortable drive with kids

A child having a blast with essential items for comfortable drive

In this article, you will find the most important items for comfortable drive when embarking on a long drive with your little ones, ensuring a smooth and memorable experience for the whole family. Rebecca McCarthyMy name is Rebecca McCarthy and I am an American girl with British heritage residing in the beautiful city of Nashville, …

Leaving your kids alone in car – the possible consequenses

Leaving kids alone while they play

Every year, tragic stories emerge of children being left unattended in vehicles, often with devastating consequences. The consequences of leave your kids alone in the car, even for a short period, can be life-threatening.
Rebecca McCarthyMy name is Rebecca McCarthy and I am an American girl with British heritage residing in the beautiful city of …

The best 10 must-have car tools in your vehicle

Car tools hooked on a wall

As a car owner, you never know when you might need to make a quick fix on the road. Whether it’s changing a flat tire or jump-starting your battery, having the right car tools in your automobile can make all the difference.
Rebecca McCarthyMy name is Rebecca McCarthy and I am an American girl with …

My name is Rebecca McCarthy and I am an American girl with British heritage residing in the beautiful city of Nashville, Tennessee. I have always had a keen interest in cars, particularly brand new ones that showcase the latest technology and design features. I am also passionate about travelling and experiencing new cultures, as well as enjoying hot summer days with friends and family.