Seasonal Car Maintenance Tips you Should not Miss

Seasonal car maintenance tips

Having your car prepared for the weather conditions in a particular season is essential for your safety. Besides using the correct set of tires, there are many other things you can take care of, to ensure the maximum level of security for your car and for yourself.
Seasonal car maintenance might sound a bit complicated, …

Equipping a New Car: What are the Most Important Tools

Most important tools for new car

Are you one of those people that simply love having various tools ordered in different types of organizers like special boxes and bags, or do you shiver when you go into a tool shop? If you’re from the first kind, you probably already know what the most essential car tools are, but if you are …

Easy DIY Car Repairs Women can Rule at

Easy DIY car repairs

Car maintenance is no longer reserved for men only. Female drivers are skilled enough to be able to handle some DIY repairs themselves.
Doing the easy car repairs yourself will save you lots of money and time. Making sure your car is well maintained is also important if you want to avoid some more serious …

What to Do About the Most Common Car Damages

What to do about common car damages

Car crashes are bound to happen even to the most experienced drivers. The main thing is not to panic and not to regret it too much because, really, it’s unavoidable.
There will be some damage to repair, and usually, the same things get damaged the most. In this article, we will be looking at them …

Most Common Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Common car accidents

Driving is a huge responsibility. Many people don’t realize that before something bad happens to them on the road.
Although we shouldn’t panic about possible car accidents all the time, we should be very cautious when we drive. People’s lives depend on that and you also wouldn’t want to have to pay for damaged property. …

The Ultimate Guide to Road Trips – Mom’s edition

Ultimate guide for road trips

The family road trip is knocking on the door. Are you ready to open?
This is the most exciting moment for your kids and the holiday for your husband but what about you? Do you really enjoy family road trips? As a mom and wife, you have a very important task when it’s time to …

10 Tips for Expectant Moms behind the wheel

Pregnant women behind the wheel

You love driving, but your pregnant belly is growing every day? This is not a reason to stop enjoying your time behind the wheel.
Pregnant women might face more challenges as drivers but it doesn’t mean they have to stop driving. There are some tips that will help you to keep track of your safe …

7-step Guide to Cleaning Your Car – For Busy Moms

How to clean your car

This article is for all busy moms that split their effort between keeping the house clean, taking care of kids, and being the head of the family. Dear ladies, we know you do your best!
You can keep doing your best and also take care of your vehicle the same way you look after your …

Top 10 Car maintenance and how often you have to apply them

Car maintenance

Women also love their cars and what to take the best care of them. Some people won’t agree but female drivers know how to maintain their cars no worse than male drivers.
Of course, this comes with many years of practice and a lot of passion for the car. We believe that each woman can …

My name is Rebecca McCarthy and I am an American girl with British heritage residing in the beautiful city of Nashville, Tennessee. I have always had a keen interest in cars, particularly brand new ones that showcase the latest technology and design features. I am also passionate about travelling and experiencing new cultures, as well as enjoying hot summer days with friends and family.

As a strong and independent woman, I have always been fascinated by the world of cars, which is often seen as a male-dominated industry. LadyAutoBlog is a platform that allows me to share my insights and perspectives on the latest developments in the automotive world, while also highlighting the important role that women can play in this field.

Through LadyAutoBlog, I hope to inspire and encourage more girls and women to take an active interest in cars and to pursue careers in the automotive industry. I believe that women have a unique perspective and approach to the world of cars, which can bring about new innovations and ideas that can benefit the industry as a whole.

In addition to my passion for cars and travel, I also enjoy spending time with strong and confident men who share my interests and values. Together, we explore new destinations, try out new cars, and enjoy all that life has to offer.